Podstrona: Researchers from Rzeszów University of Technology among TOP 2% of the world's most influential scientists / Rzeszow University of Technology

Researchers from Rzeszów University of Technology among TOP 2% of the world's most influential scientists

, red. Anna Worosz

A dozen scientists from the Rzeszów University of Technology have made it onto a list of the 2% of the world's most influential scholars whose work has been cited most often by other authors in their disciplines and sub-disciplines. This is according to a ranking compiled by Stanford University in collaboration with scientific publisher Elsevier and SciTech Strategies, which presents the authors of publications most frequently cited in the scientific literature.

The list includes almost 210,000 scientists from 22 disciplines divided into 174 more specific fields. The prestigious list of 2% of authors of publications that are most readily cited by other scholars includes scientists from 5 faculties of our university: The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, Faculty of Chemistry, The Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Applied Physics (the names are presented according to the order given in the ranking).

Assessment of researchers in terms of their overall research careers:

  • Józef Banaś, PhD, DSc, ProfTit., Department of Nonlinear Analysis of the Faculty of Mathematics and Applied Physics,
  • Piotr Król, BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit., Department of Polymers and Biopolymers of the Faculty of Chemistry,
  • Marek Pyda, , PhD, DSc, ProfTit., Department of Organic Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry,
  • Paweł Pawlus, BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit., Department of Manufacturing Processes and Production Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics,
  • Krzysztof Kaczmarski, BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit., Department of Chemical and Process Engineering of the Faculty of Chemistry,
  • Jacek Mucha, BEng, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof., Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics,
  • Jacek Jeżowski, BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit., Department of Chemical and Process Engineering of the Faculty of Chemistry,
  • Aleksandr Linkov, PhD, DSc, ProfTit., Department of Mathematical Modelling of the Faculty of Mathematics and Applied Physics,
  • Tomasz Trzepieciński, BEng, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof., Department of Manufacturing Processes and Production Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics,
  • Paweł Chmielarz, BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit., Department of Physical Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry,
  • Robert Hanus, BEng, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof., Department of Metrology and Diagnostic Systems of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Evaluation of scientists in terms of citations in 2022:

  • Paweł Pawlus, BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit., Department of Manufacturing Processes and Production Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics,
  • Gaweł Żyła, BEng, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof., Department of Physics and Medical Engineering of the Faculty of Mathematics and Applied Physics,
  • Tomasz Trzepieciński, BEng, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof., Department of Manufacturing Processes and Production Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics,
  • Piotr Król, BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit., Department of Polymers and Biopolymers of the Faculty of Chemistry,
  • Jacek Mucha, BEng, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof., Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics,
  • Józef Banaś, PhD, DSc, ProfTit., Department of Nonlinear Analysis of the Faculty of Mathematics and Applied Physics,
  • Mariusz Oszust, BEng, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof., Department of Computer and Control Engineering of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
  • Robert Hanus, BEng, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof., Department of Metrology and Diagnostic Systems of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
  • Tomasz Siwowski, BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit., Department of Roads and Bridges of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture,
  • Paweł Chmielarz, BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit., Department of Physical Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry,
  • Katarzyna Antosz, BEng, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof.Department of Manufacturing Processes and Production Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics,
  • Przemysław Podulka, BEng, PhD, Department of Manufacturing Processes and Production Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics.

The assessment of scholars' scientific output included publications from all fields of research published up to 1 October 2023. The list was compiled on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the scientific output of scholars from around the world and the calculation of a composite bibliometric index (the so-called C-score), taking into account criteria such as the number of independent citations, the Hirsch index or the place and role of the author among co-authors.

Full list of researchers: https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/6


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